A few months ago I found out about an art retreat that was going to take place in Houston, Texas.
I was very happy to know that I will have the opportunity to finally meet and take classes with three artists that I admired their work a lot.
Adorn Me! was organized by Phoenix Rising Productions and I have to say they are the best.
The teachers come from various states and are the best in their field.
I signed up with three incredible artists to take classes.
Richard Salley was my first teacher and his class was incredible. The class was "Caught in a trap" and it was very fun.
I have been a big fan of his work and meeting him was an honor.
During his class I did fold forming for the first time and created three pieces.

My second teacher was
Thomas Mann and his class was a two day workshop. His class was "The found object sandwich."
The class was intense and he was very patience and nice with all of us. He shared tips in a lot of techniques.
I have admired his work for a long time, I ADORE to create hearts and that was somethings that caught my attention about his work. It was a pleasure to be in his class.
The crown is glow in the dark acrylic ! I LOVE IT !!!!

My third teacher was
Keith Lo Bue. He is the most creative and fun teacher ever. He was very nice and shared a lot of his knowledge. His class was "Back on the chain gang."
We worked with steel wire and created links to be able to make a chains or a bracelet. It was intense, we used heavy duty tools !! ;-). It was very fun .
During Adorn Me! we had a night for vendors and I was invited to show and sell my work there. I had an incredible time and met a lot of wonderful people.
Susan Dilger was a big help for me and I will always thank her.

I am ready for Adorn Me! 2011 and maybe next time I may be teaching metal clay.
I will post more information and hope to see you there next year!!!