This picture means a lot to me ! I took it for a
challenge I got myself into this year to make one
ring a day for the whole year.
Why is this photo so important to me, you may ask.
I was diagnosed with Diabetes type 2 last year at the end of May. For me to find out about this was devastating because I am young and have two small children.
Although I knew I will have a big possibility to have diabetes because it runs in my family, I did not pay attention to it and just let go of myself. I gained a lot of weight since I have my first kid and did not loose it. Being overweight triggered my illness and made it present in my life sooner.
I will never forget the day my doctor told me, "You have diabetes and I will explain to you what can happen to you if you do not control it."
He was very REAL and I knew he was not making the problem bigger because I have seen what diabetes can do to you and your family. A dear uncle die last year of this illness and it was very sad.
I was scared and cried with my husband a lot !!! But the second day I got my plan together and started to take control of my life and my health. I knew what I have to do and I was positive I will control my diabetes by eating healthy and taking my medication.
Medication is not the only answer, what we eat plays a crucial role in our control. It will not matter how much medication you take if you are not eating healthy and exercise.
Since then I have lost almost 40 pounds and let me tell you, I am eating very good !!!
There are some days, like today, that my sugar is not normal but everything can get out of control just because you may be getting a cold or having stress.
I know I am doing a great job but days like today make me feel a little sad because I remember again that I am living with Diabetes and it will never go away. I will control it but I will live with it forever.
I am fortunate to have the big support of my husband and kids, they are my big motivations and I will live healthy for them and me.
You may be thinking why am I writing about this in my blog and the answers is this:
I am writing this in my blog because I want to share my experience and inform you about this silent illness.
Take care and all my love for you all !!